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篇名 台灣偏鄉原住民社區女性老年人身體活動能力表現
卷期 22:3
並列篇名 Physical Mobility Performance of Elder Women from a Rural Indigenous Community in Taiwan
作者 張棋興林春香楊士賢梁忠詔魏于鈞陳家慶
頁次 242-251
關鍵字 身體活動與功能原住民老人社區physical mobilityindigenous older adultcommunityTSCI
出刊日期 201805
DOI 10.6320/FJM.201805_22(3).0003


本研究欲探討臺灣偏鄉原住民社區女性長者身體活動能力在不同年齡層的表現。收案自花蓮偏鄉 原住民社區女性長者共217位,平均年齡70.7±9.3歲(55到100歲)。評估長者老人活動量表(Elderly Mobility Scale),簡短身體功能量表(Short Physical Performance Battery),計時起走測試(Timed-Up-and-Go test),走 路速度(gait speed),功能性前伸(functional reach),單腳站(one-leg stance)與握力(grip strength)。以5歲為區 間比較7個不同年齡層的變化。結果相較55-59歲年齡層族群,單腳站於65-69歲率先呈顯著衰退(7.7秒), 接著是握力與走路速度在70-74歲(5.3公斤與0.4公尺/秒);老人活動量表(1.6分)、簡短身體功能量表(3.4 分)、計時起走測試(增加6.6秒)及功能性前伸(6.9公分)最晚,於75-79歲。偏鄉原住民社區女性長者隨著年 齡層增加,不同身體活動能力表現也呈現不同的下降變化。


The study aimed to investigate the physical mobility performance of indigenous community older women with the age range 55 to 100 years in a remote community in Taiwan. A total of 217 of indigenous community older women (aged 70.7±9.3) were recruited from a remote area of Hualien County and divided into seven age groups of 5-year interval. Elderly mobility scale (EMS), Short physical performance battery (SPPB), Timed-up and go test (TUG), gait speed (GS), functional reach (FR), one-leg stance (OLS), grip strength were evaluated and compared among the seven age groups. As a result, all seven mobility performance tests were declined with aging. Compared to the performance of the 55-59 years group, the first significantly declining mobility item among the physical performance tests was the OLS, occurred at 65-69 years group (7.7 sec.), then the grip strength and GS were occurred significantly to decline at age 70-74 years group (5.3kg vs. 0.4m/s) ; the EMS (1.6 points), SPPB (3.4 points), TUG (increasing 6.6 sec.) and FR (6.9cm) were the last mobility items occurred significantly declination at 75-79 years group (p.05). From our observation, various physical mobility performances declined as aging among the indigenous community older women with different aged interval.
