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篇名 Effectiveness of calcium alginate treatment for skin graft donor site of burn patients: A case report of three patients
卷期 16:2
並列篇名 海藻酸鈣用於治療燒燙傷患者皮膚移植捐贈處之有效性:三位患者之病例報告
作者 王志信施宥任程君弘彭葛蒂劉傳捷
頁次 085-092
關鍵字 scarcalcium alginateskin graftdonor siteburn疤痕藻酸鈣皮膚移植捐贈區燒傷
出刊日期 201806
DOI 10.3966/181020932018061602004


皮膚移植捐贈區的傷口修復所適合的敷料需要可以促進傷口癒合,使得傷口疼痛 及疤痕形成程度達到最小,同時避免傷口感染的狀況,並且具備便宜容易使用的特性。 在此篇文章中,我們報導了海藻酸鈣敷料可有效使用於三名燒傷患者的皮膚移植捐 贈區。將海藻酸鈣敷料覆蓋於燒傷患者之皮膚移植捐贈區上後,利用Word Descriptor Scale 和溫哥華疤痕評估量表針對傷口疼痛以及疤痕狀態進行評估。。觀察患者術後1 天至6 個月的時間,結果顯示在使用敷料前患者疼痛及肥厚性疤痕程度高,使用敷料 3 周後使皮膚移植捐贈區完全癒合。此外,在移植區敷上藻酸鈣敷料無疼痛刺激產生, 且移除敷料時無溶解問題且無疼痛感,可成為臨床燒燙傷敷料使用的選擇。


The wound management of skin graft donor site needs a desirable dressing material which can promote healing, cause minimal pain and scarring, prevent infection, inexpensive, and easy to use. In this regard, we reported the calcium alginate dressing which was effectively used on the split thickness of skin graft donor site for three burn patients. The burn patients who have grafting thickness donor site wound are dressed with calcium alginate dressing. The symptoms of pain were assessed by Word Descriptor Scale and Vancouver Scar Scale which indicated hypertrophic scar of the patients. The patients were observed for a period of post-operative from 1 day to 6 months, which showed the efficacy of calcium alginate dressing to give full healing of split skin graft donor sites. Moreover, calcium alginate dressing over donor site were convenient, easy removable, and almost painless for preferred dressing intervention.
