
本土心理學研究 TSSCI

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篇名 儒教「尊尊」的體現:權威敏感之運作與社會適應
卷期 48
並列篇名 The Implementation of Confucius “Respecting the Superior”: The Validation and Social Adjustment of Authority- Sensitization
作者 簡晉龍陳貽照鍾昆原許詩淇
頁次 121-166
關鍵字 上下倫理權威取向權威敏感關係主義縱向關係authoritarian orientationauthority sensitizationChinese relationalismrespecting the superiorvertical relationshipTSCITSSCI
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.6254/2017.48.121




A person sensitive to authority is accustomed to continually monitoring whether or not an authority figure is nearby and performing respectful behaviors if an authority figure is present (termed corresponding behaviors) a phenomenon called authority-sensitization. Authority-sensitization can be considered the implementation of the Confucian respecting the superior (zun-zun) principle.We conducted two scenario studies to investigate the operation and discriminant validity of authority-sensitization (Study 1) and its ethical implications and social adjustment (Study 2). In Study 1, a sample of 199 participants demonstrated that most participants would habitually notice whether an authority figure is present and exhibit respectful behaviors (e.g., standing and bowing) immediately when encountering an authority figure. In addition, authority-sensitization is different from interpersonal sensitivity, because of their weak shared correlation. In Study 2, among 167 participants those who showed high authority-sensitization accorded with the subordinate role were perceived to have better social adjustment and to be more likely promote by the superior than those who did not show authoritysensitization. No such pattern was found in horizontal relationships. The findings suggest that authority-sensitizatin operates in vertical relationship and exemplifies the “zun-zun” ethic of Chinese relationalism.
