
本土心理學研究 TSSCI

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篇名 關係信任:中國人信任的實踐邏輯
卷期 48
並列篇名 Guanxi-trust: The Logic of Practice of Chinese Peoples’ Trust
作者 陳雲龍
頁次 167-230
關鍵字 中西比較可靠信任形實分離放心信任保證信任高 險信任情—面—權關係信任Chinese cultureguanxirelation-trusttrustTSCITSSCI
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.6254/2017.48.167




There are two routes in Chinese people’s trust problem research. One puts it into the western dualistic paradigm, another connects it to Chinese’s guanxi. But I choose the third way. Based on a general relation-trust analysis framework with a time-space dimension and with some other survey data and daily experience, I argue that the trust structure of Chinese people can be divided into four significant zones: easy trust, reliable trust, assurance trust and high-risk trust. The zones of relation-trust entail categorization mechanism and correlative mechanism under different running processes. Relation-trust presents an extremely complex logic of practice because it varies with the time and place. It not only can be expanded and strengthened through guanxi, renqing (favor or personal obligation), mianzi (face), and power, but also leads to the separation of the form and reality of itself. It tends to give rise to a formalism crisis. Finally, I refine the relation-trust framework, position, compare and clarify the core limitations of the western and indigenous trust researches, then point out the key goal and possible paths for future research into Chinese people’s trust.
