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篇名 急診肢體創傷疼痛的輔助療法
卷期 65:4
並列篇名 Complementary Therapy for Patients With Limb Trauma Pain in the Emergency Department
作者 吳尚蓉陳維恭
頁次 018-023
關鍵字 急性疼痛肢體創傷輔助療法acute painlimb traumacomplementary therapyMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201808
DOI 10.6224/JN.201808_65(4).04




Acute pain is the main cause for patient visits to the emergency department. An important issue faced in emergency medical care is to resolve patient pain. Moreover, limb traumatic pain is noted in 58–66% of emergency trauma patients. This paper explored the effectiveness of using nonpharmacological complementary interventions, including body operation therapies that used trauma limb care and therapeutic touch and mind-body interventions, in order to strengthen the support system and create a healing environment. The experience described herein is hoped to facilitate the provision of multifaceted emergency care for patients with limb trauma pain in the emergency department in order to improve the comfort and return rate of patients.
