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篇名 提升護理人員對胃腸道緊急出血照護處置完整性
卷期 29:2=102
並列篇名 Improving Quality of Nursing Care for Patients with Emergent Gastrointestinal Bleeding
作者 胡雅潔林瑞香王鶯勳徐雯娟
頁次 223-234
關鍵字 胃腸道緊急出血照護處置護理品質emergency gastrointestinal nursing carequality of nursing care
出刊日期 201806
DOI 10.6386/CGN.201806_29(2).0006


本專案目的在提昇護理人員對胃腸道緊急出血照護處置完整性,以及早預防出血帶來的合 併症。根據現況分析及調查結果顯示,護理人員執行對胃腸道緊急出血之處置照護完整性僅達 57.0%,乃因護理人員對於照護處置項目不熟悉、單位內缺乏胃腸道緊急出血照護處置標準、教 育訓練不完整,以及需用物料存放分散,導致準備耗時。藉由設計『胃腸道緊急出血照護處置流 程及出血處理隨身卡』與『處理包』,並修訂教育訓練計畫等措施,改善後護理人員對胃腸道緊 急出血之處置照護完整性由57.0% 提昇至98.2%,專案目標達成且效果顯著,可強化護理人員執 行胃腸道緊急出血之處置照護能力,進而提昇臨床照護品質。


The goal of this project is to improve nurse treatment integrity for emergency gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding to prevent bleeding related comorbidities. The initial analysis indicated that treatment integrity for emergency GI bleeding in our institution was 57.0 %. The low treatment integrity could be attributed to unfamiliarity of treatment procedures, lack of standard operating procedure for caring emergent GI bleeding, incomplete educational training, and disorganized material storage, which can lead to prolonged preparation time. Improvements were implemented by establishing a care procedure for emergent GI bleeding and a personal card for bleeding treatment, and a treatment package, as well as revising the education and training programs. After implementing the project, the treatment integrity for emergent GI bleeding increased significantly from 57.0% to 98.2%. The results of this project demonstrated that the care abilities of nurses for treating emergent GI bleeding and quality of clinical care can be improved by implementing appropriate strategies.
