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篇名 Destination marketing analysis of city culinary tourism strategy
卷期 13:1
作者 Sheng-Fang ChouYen-Po FangChih-Hsing Liu
頁次 001-032
關鍵字 culinary tourismdestination marketingimageloyaltyinvestment environment
出刊日期 201806



According to previous studies, culinary tourism is a factor to which both the domestic and the international tourists give great weight when planning their travels. Thus, many countries actively develop culinary promotion strategies. This study used Fuzzy Delphi method (FDM), the analytic network process (ANP) and a decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) approach as integrated multiple methods of DANP to analyze the development of city culinary strategies. The DANP results indicate that destination marketing, as a foundational mechanism, can strengthen brand image and brand loyalty and thus advance the investment environment and further improve the overall culinary tourism environment of Taipei. Further, it is concluded that brand loyalty is one of the most critical dimensions and sub-dimensions, such as: investment environment, brand image, overall tourism environment and destination marketing. Those dimension are important characteristics for promoting tourist intent to visit and revisit Taipei’s culinary scene. It is suggested that the government actively identify a culinary promotion strategy that will provide tourists with appealing information regarding the culinary aspects.
