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篇名 台灣華語的在地化及標記化
卷期 17
並列篇名 The Indigenization and Enregisterment of Taiwan Mandarin
作者 蘇席瑤
頁次 001-035
關鍵字 台灣華語在地化標記化語言態度認同Taiwan Mandarinindigenizationenregistermentlanguage attitudeidentity
出刊日期 201804
DOI 10.6242/twnica.201804_(17).0001


本文以社會語言學理論中的指標層次(indexical order;Silverstein, 2003)、大眾語言 學(folk linguistics;Niedzielski & Preston, 2000, 2009),及語言標記化(enregisterment; Agha, 2003, 2007)等理論概念為論證基礎,以台灣華語的相關文獻為佐,探討自1945 年國民黨接收台灣以來,通稱為「國語」的台灣華語是否已經在地化,在語言層面上形 成獨樹一幟的華語語言變體。除此之外,本文更進一步論證語言上的獨特性,是否代表 在語言態度的層面上,台灣(及其他華語區)民眾亦認為台灣華語有其獨特性?而在這 個語言標記化的過程裡,民眾對於各種語言特徵的意識程度究竟到了哪個階段?結果顯 示,台灣華語不只在語言各面向已在地化,在社會感知及語言態度的層面也已被標記為 獨立的語言變體,並已達到Johnstone 等人(2006)所言的第三層指標性(3rd order indexicality)的階段。


Guided by sociolinguistic theories—including indexical order (Silverstein, 2003), folk linguistics (Niedzielski & Preston, 2000, 2009), and enregisterment (Agha, 2003, 2007), this article reviews research on Taiwan Mandarin and explores the indigenization and enregisterment of Taiwan Mandarin since the KMT government introduced Mandarin Chinese, or Guoyu into Taiwan in the 1940s. Two main research questions that guide the literature review are: Is Taiwan Mandarin linguistically unique from other Mandarin varieties? If so, how aware are speakers of Taiwan Mandarin (and speakers of other Mandarin varieties) of Taiwan Mandarin’s linguistic uniqueness? In other words, is Taiwan Mandarin perceived as a socially recognizable variety? A review of the past thirty years of research on Taiwan Mandarin indicates that Taiwan Mandarin is indeed indigenized in a variety of linguistic dimensions and has enregistered into a socially identifiable variety that marks a Taiwanese identity.
