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篇名 味覺地圖上的漫遊者:韓良露飲食書寫中的「家鄉味」
卷期 17
並列篇名 The Flaneur: “Hometown Taste” in Han Liang-lu’s Food Writings
作者 許奎文
頁次 061-090
關鍵字 飲食書寫韓良露漫遊空間家鄉味food writingsHan Liang-luflaneurplace and spacehometown taste
出刊日期 201804
DOI 10.6242/twnica.201804_(17).0003




In contemporary writings, literature genres have been springing up like mushrooms. However, food writings are the most difficult to be categorized into a category of literature; therefore, the definition is the most diversified. The dimensions of food writings range from descriptions of personal eating experiences or the culinary processes, to memories of the past or another person. In the field of contemporary food writings, excellent writers emerge in large numbers. This study focuses on the theme of “hometown taste” in Han Liang-lu’s food writings. Han Liang-lu’s food writings focus on “flavors”, which center on the pursuit to find the identity of a place. Her “hometown taste” is combined with the concept of space (hometown) and “taste”. Her food writings are adventures of tastes, which enables her to be nostalgic of her hometown and family.
