
地圖 : 中華民國地圖學會會刊

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篇名 我國與美國早期合作製圖事蹟之探討
卷期 27
並列篇名 The Excellent Tales during the Early Periods of Sino-American Cooperative Mapping
作者 許哲明廖泫銘
頁次 059-077
關鍵字 中美合作航空測量合同中美合作測圖合同中美合作製圖及地圖交換協定測繪史Agreement on Aerial Photography in ChinaSino-American Cooperative Mapping AgreementChinese-American Cooperative Mapping and Map Exchange AgreementHistory of Surveying and Mapping
出刊日期 201711




The ROC survey engineers have worked together with US military between 1944 and 1979 in the history of the land survey and mapping development. There were three critical projects undertaken: Agreement on Aerial Photography in China, Sino-American Cooperative Mapping Agreement, and Chinese-American Cooperative Mapping and Map Exchange Agreement during the time. This paper describes the related business events and processes shown up the former cooperation track and performance for us partially.
