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篇名 科學無國界,文化有地域,文明世界同—淺說當代中國醫學發展的大趨向
卷期 20:1
並列篇名 There is no doubt that the definition of Combination, Mixture and Fusion are different and the difference is widely accepted by most scholars.
作者 尹光耀
頁次 001-008
關鍵字 科學無國界文化有地域文明世界同世界通適現代醫學Science without bordersCritical regionalismGlobal citizenship Universal modern medicine
出刊日期 201806




If the four great inventions of ancient China have not been only applied at the practical level at that time, but also inspired the investigation of the thermodynamics and aerodynamics, then the modern industrial revolution most likely be originated in China. Chinese medicine carrying its excellent skills would be able to shed a light on the further research of modern medicine. It is an inevitable trend to create a "Universal Modern Medicine" which integrates the essence of Chinese and Western medicine, and the traditional medical technologies from various countries, and the fusion product of “Universal Modern Medicine” would be a Chinese-based culture.
