
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 The Legal Environment for Foreign and Domestic NGOs in China: What Was Accomplished in 2016 and 2017 and What Remains to be Accomplished
卷期 61:2
並列篇名 中國境內和境外非政府組織的法律環境:2016年和2017年完成哪些工作,還有哪些工作尚待完成
作者 奚文雅
頁次 075-095
關鍵字 ChinaNGOsONGO LawCharity Law中國非政府組織境外非政府組織法慈善法TSSCI
出刊日期 201806


影響中國非政府組織的法律多種與多樣,隨著境外非政府組織法 (ONGO Law)的通過之後,情形又變得更加複雜。在2016 年的「革命」 年,中國通過了兩項新法律──「境外非政府組織法」和「慈善法」──以及 一些行政法規,為非政府組織製定了突破性的新框架,為中國公民提供社會 和經濟正義的各種努力加上新的規範。本文著眼於這些前所未有的監管和法 律活動的結果,並試圖將它們納入一個分析框架之中。


The laws affecting non-governmental organizations(NGOs)in China are multiple and varied and with the adoption of the Overseas NGO Law ( ONGO Law ), they have become even more complex. In the “revolutionary” year of 2016, China adopted two new laws – the ONGO Law and the Charity Law – as well as a number of regulations, putting into place a ground-breaking new framework for NGOs and setting out new rules over efforts to provide social and economic justice to China’s citizens. This paper looks at the results of this unprecedented regulatory and legal activity affecting NGOs and attempts to place them into an analytical framework.
