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篇名 國小六年級學童之同儕關係與自尊 ――母親原國籍之比較分析
卷期 117
並列篇名 Peer Relationships and Self-Esteem of Sixth Grade Elementary School Children: Comparison of Mother’s Nationality of Origin
作者 黃郁婷葉靜宜
頁次 103-126
關鍵字 國小學童同儕關係自尊新移民子女elementary school studentspeer relationshipsself-esteemnew-immigrant children
出刊日期 201809
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.201809_(117).0004


在國小階段,自尊之發展是重要的議題,而同儕關係更是社會網絡中重 要的一環,與兒童的自尊有重大關連。且隨著新移民子女的增加,新移民子 女的同儕關係與自尊亦值得我們關注。故本研究旨在瞭解國小六年級學童之 同儕關係與自尊,以及國小六年級學童不同「個人背景變項」與「母親原國 籍」在「同儕關係」與「自尊」上之差異,以及「同儕關係」與「自尊」之相 關性,並探討國小六年級學童「個人背景變項」、「母親原國籍」與「同儕關 係」對「自尊」之解釋力。本研究採用中研院調查研究專題中心學術調查研 究資料庫之「新移民家庭子女學習表現與因應對策調查」中,六年級學童之 樣本進行次級資料分析,樣本數共3,796人。研究工具包括:個人背景資料調 查表、同儕關係量表、自尊量表。所得資料以描述性統計、單一樣本 t 檢定、 獨立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、薛費事後比較、皮爾森積差相關,以及 階層迴歸進行分析。本研究發現,國小六年級學童之同儕關係良好,自尊尚 可。性別、出生序、母親原國籍在「同儕關係」上無顯著差異,但在「自尊」 上則有顯著差異。「同儕關係」與「自尊」呈顯著中程度正相關。「性別:男 生」、「出生序」、「母親原國籍:大陸港澳」與「同儕關係」對自尊達18% 之解釋力。


Self-esteem is the important developmental issue in elementary school, and is related to children’s peer relationships. Moreover, as the number of new-immigrant children are increasing, their social network such as peer relationships and self-esteem should be addressed. Therefore, the purposes of this study is to understand children’s peer relationships and self-esteem, to analyze the differences of personal background factors and mother’s nationality of origin on peer relationships and selfesteem, to investigate the correlation between peer relationships and selfesteem, and to explore the predictors of children’s self-esteem. Secondary data analyzed in this study were collected by the research project “Factors influencing the academic performance of new-immigrant children in Taiwan: Individuals, families, and schools, 2012” sponsored by the National Immigrantion Agency, Ministryt of Interior. Research instruments include demographic questionnaire, peer relationships scale, and self-esteem scale. A total of 3,796 new-immigrant children is analyzed by descriptive statistics, one sample t-test, independent sample t-test, One-Way ANOVA, Scheffé, Pearson product-moment correlation, and hierarcharcal regression. Results show that elementary school children have good peer relationships, and their self-esteem tend to be good. Even though gender, birth order and mother’s nationality of origin show no significant difference on peer relationships, but on self-esteem. There are significantly positive correlation between peer relationships and self-esteem. Boy, birth order, “mother’s nationality of origin: Mainland China, Hong Jong and Macao” and peer relationships predict self-esteem for 18% varience.
