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篇名 學校特色對學生學習效能之研究
卷期 117
並列篇名 The Research of School Development Characteristics of Students Learning Effectiveness
作者 何惠麗
頁次 159-179
關鍵字 特色學校特色學生學習效能school characteristicsfeaturedstudents Learning effectiveness
出刊日期 201809
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.201809_(117).0006




The study explore the definition of school characteristics and learning achievement, theory, influencing factors and related research as the basis for the development of school characteristics for students learning effectiveness. The development of school characteristics means that the school attaches importance to the internal factors and the external environment of the conditions, and emphasize the school’s educational development space and educational function. To inspire students’ characters by using unique curriculum. Analysis from the perspective of the school, including “education philosophy”, “personal values” and “sustainable management”. In addition, analysis from the perspective of student’s learning achievements, including “cognitive learning,” affective learning” and “skill learning”. The results show that students’ learning performance can expand the scope of learning and diversify learning to enrich their knowledge. They can take the initiative to explore the importance of learning, participating in sharing and discussion, and strengthening their practical operation to experience the fun of learning and to affirm the educational value of the school to move towards sustainable development.
