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篇名 校長爭取專案補助的心路歷程 ――以一個建案為例
卷期 117
並列篇名 A Track of the Principal’s Consideration for Strive for the Funding Project—Taking the Construction Plan as an Example
作者 焦熙昌
頁次 197-216
關鍵字 校長風雨操場行動研究專款補助principalwind and rain playgroundaction researchearmarking
出刊日期 201809
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.201809_(117).0008




The case school principal have been able to break through previous professional knowledge, lack of resource support, and tend to be conservative in their schooling style in order to seek funding for the activities of the investigators and schools. Role-driven: to break the closed campus thinking, and actively strive for upward management, and cloud-based support system to solve the case school building funds faced by the issue of funds. In this way, the professional support of the intervention, and the courage to accept the challenges of education to complete the impossible task.
