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篇名 露營參與者環境素養之研究-以中部地區四露營區為例
卷期 14:2
並列篇名 Study on Environmental Literacy among Campers at Four Camping Sites in Central Taiwan
作者 楊家禎吳淑姿余世宗
頁次 011-021
關鍵字 露營環境素養環境教育campingenvironmental literacyenvironmental education
出刊日期 201809


本研究在探討露營參與者之環境素養,包括環境概念知識、環境價值觀與態度、環境行動 經驗及環境行動策略,以問卷調查方式為研究工具,編製「露營參與者環境素養量表」,訪問 中部四個著名的露營區之露營參與者,共發出395份問卷,回收有效問卷385份,並以描述性 統計、獨立樣本f檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森(Pearson)積差相關等方法進行統計分析。 分析結果顯示,露營參與者的環境素養在環境概念知識、環境價值觀與態度及環境行動經驗三 個層面均呈現高度表現,在環境行動策略層面呈現低度表現。不同背景變項與露營參與者環境 素養,在性別、年齡、教育程度、職業、露營年資、每年露營次數皆呈現顯著差異,唯有露營 型式變項未呈現顯著差異。「環境行動經驗」層面,女性露營參與者在環境行動經驗上優於男 性。在「環境行動經驗」層面,31-40歲及41~50歲的露營參與者優於30歲以下者;在「環境 概念知識」和「環境行動策略」兩層面,研究所以上的露營參與者優於大專院校及高中職以下 者;在「環境價值觀與態度」層面,研究所以上及大專院校的露營參與者優於高中職以下。在 「環境行動經驗」層面,無職業、軍公教及工商服務業者的露營參與者皆優於學生。不同露營 型式(團客與散客)的露營參與者其環境素養未呈現顯著差異。不同露營年資的露營參與者在 「環境行動經驗」層面,年資4年以上的露營參與者優於4年以下者。每年露營次數不同的露 營參與者在「環境價值觀與態度」層面,每年露營11次以上者優於6~10次者。環境素養各層 面相關性,「環境概念知識」與「行動經驗」未呈現顯著正相關外,其餘兩兩皆呈現顯著正相 關。其中以「行動策略」對「行動經驗」相關強度最強;而「環境概念知識」對「行動策略」 相關強度最弱。


The primary aim of this study was to investigate the environmental literacy-including environmental knowledge, values, attitudes, action experience, and action strategies of campers using a questionnaire survey. A total of 395 campers were randomly selected from four camp sites in central Taiwan, and 385 valid questionnaires were used. The data were analyzed through descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, Pearson correlation, and analysis of variance. Results indicated that the environmental literacy of the campers was highly correlated with environmental knowledge, values, and attitudes as well as environmental action experience. Less correlation was observed with environmental action strategies. Gender, age, education level, career, and seniority as well as frequency of camping were significantly correlated with campers5 environmental literacy. Female campers had greater environmental action experience than male campers. Campers aged 31-50 years had greater environmental action experience than those aged less than 30 years. Participants with a master’s degree had greater environmental knowledge and awareness of action strategies than those with only a bachelor’s degree or high school education. Campers with master’s or bachelor’s degrees performed better in environmental values and attitudes than those with a high school education. In the domain of environmental action experience, campers with no occupation, military education, and working in business scored more highly than students. Campers with more than 4 years of camping experience had higher scores for environmental action. In the environmental values and attitudes domain, participants who went camping more than 11 times per year scored more highly than those going 6-10 times per year. All four domains of environmental literacy were highly positive correlated except for the correlation between environmental knowledge and environmental action experience. Specifically, environmental action strategies and environmental action experience were the most highly correlated. Environmental knowledge and environmental action strategies were less correlated.
