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篇名 以優質測試案例管理機制提升軟體維護效率與品質
卷期 14:2
並列篇名 A High-Quality Test Case Management Mechanism for Improving the Efficiency and Quality of Software Maintenance
作者 賴森堂
頁次 047-056
關鍵字 维護需求測試案例IID管理機制廻歸測試maintenance requesttest caseIIDmanagement mechanismregression test
出刊日期 201809


資訊技術與應用環境的快速演進,促使軟體系統必須具備完美的可维護與可擴充特性,才 能有效延續軟體的生命期,提升用戶的市場競爭優勢。不斷提出的维護需求是導致軟體维護成 本大幅增加的主要關鍵,為了克服维護與變動需求對軟體生命週期帶來的衝撃,IID (Iterative and incremental Development)製程以具備高度變更與擴增彈性,有效改善軟體開發與维護的變 動風險。不過,IID製程在反覆漸進的開發過程中,不僅耗時且需動用過多資源,不易及時應 付功能擴增與需求變更的持續測試與持續整合,造成新版軟體系統的品質無法獲得適時驗證與 確認(V&V)。為此,本文以優質測試案例為基礎,提出一套測試案例管理機制(Test Case Management Mechanism; TCMM),以優質測試案例結合完善管制程序,在有限資源下,適時完 成軟體系統變動後的相關測試,有效改善维護測試耗用的資源,具體提升軟體维護效率與品質。


Owing to the rapid evolution of information technology and application environments, software system must possess excellent maintainability and extensibility throughout its life cycle. Frequent software maintenance requests become a crucial challenge that result in high software maintenance costs and risk. To overcome high maintenance costs and risk, the IID process provides great flexibility and changeability to reduce frequent software maintenance requests. However, in maintenance operation or agile software development, the IID process is not only time consuming but also requires more human resources. Continuous testing, integration, and delivery with automation and high-efficiency tests can perform the major tasks of software maintenance. In this paper, on the basis of a high-quality test case, the test case management mechanism ( TCMM) is proposed. Combining high-quality test cases with the TCMM can facilitate timely completion of relevant tests of software system changes with limited resources; effectively reduce the resource consumption of continuous testing, integration, and delivery; and improve the efficiency and quality of software maintenance.
