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篇名 知識的接收――國分直一與戰後初期的臺灣研究
卷期 61
並列篇名 Knowledge Retrieval: Kokubu Naoichi and the Reconstruction of Taiwan Study during the Early Post War Era
作者 陳偉智
頁次 097-158
關鍵字 國分直一臺灣大學史學系留用政策人類學史前史Kokubu NaoichiHistory Department of NTURetention policyAnthropologyPrehistorical HistoryTHCITSCI
出刊日期 201806
DOI 10.6253/ntuhistory.2018.61.03


臺灣在戰後初期去殖民化的時代背景中,有關日治時期高等教育發展 的延續,目前主要以制度史與政策研究為主,然而不同學術領域具體內容 的繼受與轉型,以及個別行動者的角色,有待進一步考察。 戰後初期,官方對日治時期殖民地的學術成果,採取「知識的接收」 政策,日本考古學者國分直一(1908-2005)在戰後留用4 年期間,整理 臺灣考古學與民族學的文獻及標本資料,且透過在臺灣大學史學系的教學 與田野工作,培育並影響了戰後臺籍第一代的人類學家。本文分析國分直 一在戰後臺灣歷史轉型過程中,在整理臺灣研究學術成果與教育扮演承先 啟後的角色,以及戰後初期臺灣史前文化的解釋模式,從多源到單源的轉 變。


Current scholarly literature on the development of Taiwan studies during the immediate postwar era in the historical milieu of decolonialization, is focused on the transformation of higher education, particularly concerning institutional transition and reconstruction policies. However, changes in the contents and developments in various academic fields have yet to be fully apprehended. This paper uses the case of Japanese scholar Kokubu Naoichi (1907-2005), the sole archaeologist in early postwar Taiwan in the field of prehistoric and ethnological studies to shed light on the actual postwar official policy of knowledge retrieval of academic scholarship of the colonial period. Kokubu Naoichi was retained as a Japanese faculty member at National Taiwan University until his return to Japan in the summer of 1949. During his stay in postwar Taiwan, he taught archaeology and prehistoric Taiwan in the History Department and helped reconstruct the ethnological museum of the former Imperial Taipei University as the specialist curator. Through his teaching and comprehensive field surveys, he trained the first generation of Taiwanese anthropologists in early postwar Taiwan. However, under the influence of fierce Chinese nationalism in early postwar Taiwan, this study also indicates that the prewar studies of the multiple origins of Taiwanese prehistory and aboriginal cultures, of which Kokubu was a main contributor, were gradually rewritten in the official discourse stressing a single Chinese mainland origin.
