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篇名 禮以制財――《左傳》、《國語》中的經濟論述
卷期 61
並列篇名 Ritual and the Management of Wealth: Economic Discourse in the Zuozhuan and Guoyu
作者 傅揚
頁次 243-288
關鍵字 《左傳》《國語》春秋時代經濟思想ZuozhuanGuoyuthe Spring and Autumn period ritual economic thoughtTHCITSCI
出刊日期 201806
DOI 10.6253/ntuhistory.2018.61.05




Compared to the study of social and economic facts, historians have paid insufficient attention to the history of Chinese economic thought. Most of the existing scholarship on the history of Chinese economic thought is written by economists, who intend to apply modern concepts to examine early texts for views about “economic” matters, and thereby make expert judgments. Such a tendency has the pitfalls of being anachronistic and theory-driven. This problem becomes especially apparent when it comes to the study of economic thought during the Spring and Autumn period. Centered on the study of discourse, this article investigates the nature and representations of economic ideas seen in the Zuozhuan and Guoyu. It argues that ritual is at the core of the economic discourse in the Zuozhuan and Guoyu, as can be found in discussions on the production of resources, on social and political ideals that feature the significance of livelihood, on insufficiency and the distribution of resources, and on economic pursuits at an individual level. Under the notion of ritual, the fundamental concern of the economic discourse in the Zuozhuan and Guoyu is to secure livelihood and reciprocal relationships between different agents. This article also draws materials from other sources to demonstrate how this research may shed light on the intellectual history of early China. Economic discourse is an indispensable component in early Chinese thought and deserves further exploration.
