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篇名 影響產品多角化策略之要素分析─以在台子公司為例
卷期 12:1
並列篇名 The Determinants of Product Diversification Strategy – In the Case of the Foreign Firms Invested in Taiwan
作者 陳律睿劉峰旭葉文心
頁次 023-044
關鍵字 公司規模管理團隊異質化制度環境國際投資經驗承諾firm sizeTMT heterogeneityinstitutional environmentinternational experiencecommitment
出刊日期 201803
DOI 10.3966/199553922018031201002




In a highly competitive global environment, multinational enterprises (MNEs) will be concerned about how to adopt a diversification strategy when conducting foreign direct investment. The expansion of new product areas, whether related diversification or irrelevant diversification, is an important part of the company’s growth strategy. This study mainly discusses a question: what kind of factors will affect firm to adopt strategy for diversification. This study analyzed the data of 39 subsidiaries invested in Taiwan. The results show that the top management team heterogeneity has a significant impact on the degree of product diversification. In addition to product diversification, which has a significant impact on continuous investment, experience plays an important role as the moderating variable.
