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篇名 顧客賦權與電子口碑意願:流行涉入之中介效果
卷期 12:1
並列篇名 The Impact of Consumer Empowerment on Electronic Word-of-Mouth: The Mediating Effect of Fashion Involvement
作者 周建亨張榮祥
頁次 077-095
關鍵字 顧客賦權電子口碑流行涉入customer empowermentelectronic word-of mouthfashion-involvement
出刊日期 201803
DOI 10.3966/199553922018031201004


顧客賦權與電子口碑分別有諸多的研究,但兩者間的關係卻 沒有被深入的分析與釐清,然而在實務上對於行銷人員的操作卻 有極大的影響,本研究主要探討顧客賦權對於電子口碑的影響, 並分析流行涉入對顧客賦權與電子口碑的中介效果。研究採用內 部效度較高的實驗法做為研究方法。抽樣對象考量樣本同質性, 以某大學商學院日 / 夜間部學生為主。透過結構性問卷調查方式 蒐集資料,發出問卷220份,回收有效問卷207份。實證分析結果 顯示顧客賦權與否對於電子口碑意願具有顯著相關,且流行涉入 的中介效果會影響電子口碑的意願,研究假設獲得支持。


There are many studies on customer empowerment and electronic word-of-mouth, but the relationship between them has not been deeply analyzed and clarified. However, in practice, it has a great impact on the operation of marketing practitioners. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the impact of customer empowerment on electronic word-of-mouth, and analyzes the mediating effect of fashioninvolvement on the relationship between customer empowerment and electronic word-of-mouth. This study uses experimental methods as a research method. The sampling object considers the homogeneity of the sample, inviting business school students to conduct this study. Data collecting through questionnaire survey, 220 questionnaires were sent out and 207 responses are valid. The empirical finding showed that customer empowerment lead to greater electronic word-of-mouth intention and the mediating effect of fashion-involvement will affect the electronic word-of-mouth intention. Therefore, the research hypothesis is supported.
