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篇名 國民中學學生幸福感之研究
卷期 118
並列篇名 A Study of the Well-Being Perception of Junior High School Students
作者 楊慶麟蔡素惠
頁次 020-039
關鍵字 社經地位幸福感social economy statuswell-being
出刊日期 201811
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.201811_(118).0003




This study explores the current situation of happiness among students in Taoyuan City, analyzes the differences in students’ different background variables, and understands the clustering of happiness scores among students in the districts of Taoyuan City. This study adopts a mixed method design, including questionnaire survey method and interview method. In the 106 academic year, 60 public schools in Taoyuan City were selected as the research group, and 2105 students were selected as the research samples to use the “Junior High Student Health Happiness Questionnaire”. Conduct surveys for research tools. The data processing was analyzed by statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA test and cluster analysis. If the difference test was significant, and six students and their teachers or directors were selected for the intervew participants. A total of 12 teachers and students were interviewed to understand the reasons for the differences. Perceptions of well-being perceived by the students from public junior high schools in Taoyuan City are significantly above theoretical average. Students with different background variables have significantly differentperception in perceptions of well-being. Interviews show that female mentors, labor and technology-oriented families are more tolerant and liberal to junior middle school students, so happiness is happier than male mentors and other social and family status families. Junior high school students of districs in Taoyuan City, their variable scores, perceptions ofwell-being, have a cluster relationship, and they may be better to divide into three groups in this research.
