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篇名 愛的(ATDE)創造思考教學模式於護理創新作品教學之應用
卷期 65:6
並列篇名 Applying the ATDE Model to the Teaching of Nursing Innovative Works
作者 陳玫君李碧娥張素嫺
頁次 020-025
關鍵字 ATDE模式護理教育創新作品ATDE modelnursing educationinnovative workMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201812


培養學生具備創造思考的能力為護理教育目標 之一,如何將創造思考能力的訓練與護理創 新作品結合,為護理教育者一大挑戰。本文以 陳龍安教授愛的「ATDE(asking, thinking, doing, evaluation)」模式的創造思考教學策略,問、 想、做、評為架構,引導學習者以既有的知識 及經驗為基礎,運用小組的溝通與合作,教學者 營造友善及支持的討論環境,引導學生運用創造 思考完成護理創新作品,同時,鼓勵學生參與校 內外創新發明比賽,進而取得中華民國經濟部智 慧財產局新型專利。本文將分享護理創新作品教 學經驗以提供老師們作為相關課程創新思考教學 設計之參考。


Cultivating the ability of students to think creatively is a goal of nursing education. Combining creative-thinking training with the innovative work of nurses is a great challenge for nursing educators. This article uses Dr. Chen Lung-An’s ATDE model of creative-thinking teaching strategies (asking, thinking, doing, and evaluation) as a framework to guide learners to use existing knowledge and experiences in group communication and cooperation. Teachers create a friendly and supportive discussion environment and lead nursing students to apply creative thinking to complete innovative works. Subsequently, students are encouraged to participate in school-based innovation competitions and then to obtain domestic utility-model patents. This article shares the author’s experience teaching nursing innovative works in order to provide a reference to educators who teach related courses / curriculums.
