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篇名 臺灣知識管理系統服務廠商之產品價值主張研究-以某個案公司為例
卷期 16:2
並列篇名 Product Value Proposition of Knowledge Management System Providers: The Example of a Case Company
作者 阮明淑
頁次 063-102
關鍵字 知識管理價值主張知識管理系統知識主張Knowledge ManagementValue PropositionKnowledge Management SystemKnowledge ClaimTSSCI
出刊日期 201812
DOI 10.6182/jlis.201812_16(2).063




Knowledge management system (KMS) researches in Taiwan need to add further viewpoints, new tools, and various sources of data to analyze the product texts of five KMS service providers to explore their varieties of product function in last 12 years, between 2006-2018, by collecting product data sheet in their official webpages. Two major findings are as follow: (1) Other than the research done in 2006 which was manually analyzed the structure of document of KMS, this study utilized word frequency analysis, and word cloud to analyze the text content of KMS products. It helps to quickly find the product features and positioning of different KMS service providers. This study also found out that this method can be used as an analysis basis for further follow-up case studies. (2) This study summarizes 19 product value propositions from perspectives of KMS service providers. Each product value proposition implies solutions for individual customer claim (promise) by the service provider. The viewpoints and methodology of this study can interpret the value proposition of the product and also be helpful to enrich and extend forthcoming KMS research themes and methodology.
