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篇名 從社會支持觀點探討愛滋線上匿名諮詢問答
卷期 16:2
並列篇名 Exploring Anonymous Online AIDS Q&A Services: A Social Support Perspective
作者 邱銘心溫宜琳
頁次 135-164
關鍵字 社會支持愛滋病線上匿名諮詢問答內容分析Social SupportAIDSOnline Anonymous Q&A ServiceContent AnalysisTSSCI
出刊日期 201812
DOI 10.6182/jlis.201812_16(2).135




Due to medical advancement and innovation, AIDS is gradually becoming a chronic disease. The infected people are now more concerned about the patient rights. Nonetheless, because AIDS is in some ways a unique disease due to its being concerned with the most intimate and private part of a patient’s life, those with AIDS prefer to search for information online because this affords them privacy and confidentiality. Therefore, this study aims to explore an anonymous online AIDS question and answer (Q&A) service from the social support perspective. The purpose of this study is to find out whether the AIDS information provided by the website’s Q&A service in Taiwan satisfy the needs of the patients and to discover whether the needs of patients match the information provided from the comments on websites. This study provides insights into and understanding of the information needs of patients with HIV infection or AIDS from the perspective of social support.
