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篇名 國中女學生所知覺的性別化校圜運動空間
卷期 13
並列篇名 Gendered Campus Sports Space Perceived by Junior High School Female Students
作者 翁芳怡
頁次 001-028
關鍵字 運動空間男性霸權能動性exercise spacemale hegemonyagency
出刊日期 201812


在學校,霸權的陽剛往往被推崇,展現在教學資源與校園空間的分配上。男 學生可運用規則與資源支配運動空間,甚至驅趕女學生。本研究採個案研究,使 三位國中女學生述說在運動空間的使用經驗與感受,研究發現如下幾點:運動場 仍是男性權力的展示場所、運動技術是決定去留的關鍵、女學生運動,被貼上吸 引男生的負面標籤、教師依以性別刻板印象作為分配資源的依據、運動與遊戲成 為你輸我赢的競賽,於是弱勢被逐出、爭取擴展運動場域及時間,女學生展現有 限的能動性、家長的態度,決定女學生能否展現實踐運動的關鍵。


Male hegemon is often promoted and displayed in the allocation of teaching resources and campus space. Male students can utilize rules and resources to acquire sports space and even drive away female students. This study adopted case studies on three female high school students to investigate their experiences and feelings in the athletic space. The findings are as follows. The stadium remains the venue for showcasing male power; Athletic skills determine accessibility to sports space. Female students who exercise are stigmatized as wanting to attract males. Besides, teachers have allocated resources based on gender stereotypes; sports and games have become means of competition and power struggle for athletic spaces, with female students at a disadvantage. The limited physical activity of female students and parents' attitudes determine female exercise participation.
