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篇名 培育社工系學生成為中學生命教育教師之芻議
卷期 13
並列篇名 Discussion on Cultivating Social Work Students to Become High School Teachers of Life-education
作者 周聖典
頁次 039-054
關鍵字 社會工作教育生命教育應用倫理學師資培育social work educationlife educationpractical ethicsteacher education
出刊日期 201812


社會工作重視專業價值與倫理;我國生命教育課也從倫理課蛻變而來,是一 種「價值」。價值倫理屬於情意或是潛在課程,因受學生社會化過程、師生互動 等因素影響,即使開設正式課程亦未必能提升學生專業認同。 社工人員在接受培育時強調理論與實務的整合,同時兼顧專業倫理價值的認 同;生命教育教師的培育首重教師的內在心靈整合,因生命教育是深化人生觀、 內化價值觀與提升人格統整性的課程,教師須建立「知行合一」的榜樣以能成為 讓學生形塑生命教育價值的具體楷模,而非僅教授「教條式」的知識。 本文欲透過探討社會工作與生命教育的內涵及其培育過程之異同來討論社 工系畢業生是否能勝任中學生命教育教師之職,以供未來師資培育之參考。


Social work emphasizes professional value and ethics. In Taiwan, Life-education courses came from Ethic-education courses. They are types of value. Value belongs to affection or potential courses. These kinds of courses may not be able to enhance students5 professional identity though it has provided many relevant courses because of students5 socialization process, teacher-student interaction and other factors. Social workers5 process of cultivating emphasizes the integration of theories and practice. At the same time, it considers the value of professional ethics as well. The cultivation of life-education teachers emphasizes the integration of teachers’ internal spiritual. Because life-education is a course to deepen the concept of life, internalize the concept of life and upgrade integration of identity, teachers must build a model of "the identification of knowledge and action" rather than teach canonical knowledge.
