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篇名 Ergonomic study of power grasp task in short opponens thumb splint users using different wrist positions with utensils having different handle sizes
卷期 16:4
並列篇名 拇指對掌副木使用者在不同手腕姿勢下使用不同直徑工具執行費力抓握之人因研究
作者 劉倩秀葉啟信江心瑜
頁次 163-174
關鍵字 splintelectromyography activityanthropometryhandle diameter副木肌電活動人體測量學握把直徑
出刊日期 201812
DOI 10.3966/181020932018121604002


背景/目的:短對掌副木的务能為限制拇指動作,所以對日常生活活動之進行會 產生影響。研究目的為調查:1)穿戴該副木對握力之影響 2)人體測量資料與握力關 聯 3)費力抓握時握把直徑與手腕姿勢之關聯。方法:本案研究對象為20 位健康成人。 首先測量受試者之手部人體測量資料(如手長與掌長等),再要求受試者執行費力抓 握,並隨機給與三種握把直徑與四種手腕姿勢之研究情境,同時量測上臂肌群之肌電 訊號。本研究使用3x4(握把直徑X 手腕姿勢) 重複測量變異數分析。結果:人體測 量資料(手掌長)與握力在穿戴副木時呈正相關。外展姆長肌在腕部橈側偏移時,肌 電訊號明顯較低。當握把直徑大於68.90 mm 而手腕姿勢為屈曲時,外展姆長肌肌電 訊號明顯則呈現增加狀態。結論:建議在腕部橈側偏移時使用握把。手腕屈曲無可避 免時,建議握把直徑不要超過54.64 mm。


Background and purpose: The short opponens splint is a common device that limits the motion of the thumb and may interfere with daily activities. The objectives were to investigate 1) the effect on grasp strength; 2) the relationship between anthropometric data and grasp strength; and 3) the interaction of handle diameter and wrist posture during a power grasp. Methods: Twenty healthy adults were recruited in this study. A 3x4 (handle diameter x wrist position) repeated measures design was applied. Results: Positive correlations were found for anthropometric data such as hand length and grasp strength in the splint condition. The electromyography activity results indicated that the exertion of the abductor pollicis longus muscle (APL) was significantly lower in the wrist radial deviation posture. When the handle diameter was greater than 68.90 mm and the wrist was flexed, exertion of the APL significantly increased. Conclusion: It is recommended that handles be held with wrist radial deviation. If wrist flexion is inevitable, the handle diameters should not exceed 54.64mm.
