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篇名 非尼哈的感嘆:從約書亞記的「證壇事件」到士師記的「基比亞事件」
卷期 2018
並列篇名 The Sigh of Phinehas: From “the Incident of the Altar of Witness” in the Book of Joshua to “the Incident of Gibeah” in the Book of Judges
作者 劉光啟
頁次 121-169
關鍵字 文本互涉約書亞記士師記非尼哈intertextualityJoshuaJudgesPhinehas
出刊日期 201812


約書亞記與士師記是希伯來聖經前先知書起始的兩卷書,記 載了以色列人進入迦南地的種種事蹟。兩卷書之間不僅具有承啟 的關聯,也有許多相關的內容或雷同的描述。本文依照Geoffrey D. Miller 對希伯來聖經「文本互涉」研究所提的幾個考量因素: 「共同的語言」、「共同的內容」以及「類似的形式」等,比較約 書亞記二十二章與士師記十九至二十一章。之所以選擇這兩個 段落,因為兩段經文都分別出現「祭司以利亞撒的兒子非尼哈」 (書22:13-14, 30-32; 士20:27),並且兩段敘事都牽涉到以色列 支派間的衝突,有類似的情節鋪陳、卻有截然不同的結果。本文 將先就兩個段落在文字與內容的異同作比較;其次也會將觀察延 伸至兩段經文的上下文、以至於擴大到約書亞記與士師記這兩卷 書;最後再透過與申命記律法的比較對照,探討這兩段經文所提 供的正反面教導。


The Books of Joshua and Judges are the first two books of the Former Prophets in the Hebrew Bible and are records of various events regarding the entrance of the Israelites into the Land of Canaan. These two books are not only linked in terms of their storylines but also present similar content. Based on the study by Geoffrey D. Miller which summarized several criteria about determining “intertextuality” in the Hebrew Bible, including “shared language,” “shared content” and “formal resemblances”, the present study compares and contrasts Joshua 22 and Judges 19-21. These passages were selected due to the fact that “Phinehas son of Eleazar, the priest” appear in both texts (Josh 22:13-14, 30-32; Judg 20:27). Furthermore, both texts are related to the conflicts among the tribes of the Israelites and have similar plots, but ended with different results. This study begins by comparing and contrasting Joshua 22 and Judges 19-21. Then the scope of study extends to the literary contexts of the two texts, including the whole books of Joshua and Judges in their entirety. Finally, this study compares Joshua 22 and Judges 19-21 with the laws in the Book of Deuteronomy and discusses the positive and negative teachings from the two texts.
