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篇名 專業學習的建構:「設計本位學習」創新教學之行動探究
卷期 31:2
並列篇名 Framing Professional Learning: An Action Research on Teachers’ Pedagogical Empowerment of Design-based Learning for Innovative Teaching
作者 陳偉仁黃楷茹吳青陵呂金燮
頁次 025-058
關鍵字 在職教師設計本位學習專業學習創新教學Design-Based Learninginnovative teachingin-service teacherprofessional learningTSSCI
出刊日期 201812


在這個強調創新的紀元中,如何支持教師創新教學是重要但未被系統性 探究的議題。本研究採合作式行動研究,以教師學習理論為基礎,透過參與 式觀察、訪談、文件分析等方式,探究教學培力團隊如何設計出專業的學習 方式, 引動一所國小教師社群實踐「設計本位學習」( Design-Based Learning[DBL])課程,培力團隊並從反思中嘗試建構出創新教學師資培力的 可行方式。研究發現教學培力團隊以參與式學習為理念,提升教師的專業自 主性,並透過體驗活動、課程案例原型分享等方式,導入DBL 創新教學的語 彙。國小教師社群從中嘗試解構習慣,重新定位教學者角色,師生共構出轉 動教學的情境知能,並深刻體會到真實展演是重構專業成長的契機。教學培 力團隊從反思中提出創新教學師資培力的方式,導引出未來行動探究的方 向:以平行學習的理念為基礎,和教師共同探究以品賞與識讀學生學習表現 為核心的專業學習之路。


In this innovation era, offering support for teachers’ innovative teaching has been an important but neglected issue. Based on teacher learning theory, the purpose of this study is to explore a teaching empowerment team’s design of professional learning for elementary school teachers who learned Design-Based Learning[DBL]. The team attempted to empower teachers based on the reflections of the collaborative action research through participatory observation, interviews and document analysis. The findings indicated that the teaching empowerment team regarded participatory learning as a fundamental rationale to elicit teachers’ professional autonomy. The team also guided teachers to make sense of the key elements of DBL by experiential activities and used a DBL exemplar curriculum as protocol. Consequently, the teacher community in an elementary school tried to deconstruct teaching habits and redefined their teaching roles. The teachers collaborated with students to develop contextual pedagogical competencies, and found that presenting learning outcomes in real context made professional growth possible. A teacher empowerment framework for innovative teaching and future studies was further proposed: through parallel learning for pedagogical transformation, the team and teachers might work together to develop a sustainable professional learning pathway based on the connoisseurship and evaluation of student learning performance.
