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篇名 高齡者進修碩士學位之幸福內涵探究
卷期 31:2
並列篇名 Exploring the Well-being of Elderly People Studying for a Master’s Degree
作者 鄭曉楓
頁次 059-094
關鍵字 PERMA 模式正向心理學幸福理論高齡者elderly peoplePERMA modelpositive psychologywell-beingTSSCI
出刊日期 201812


本研究以幸福理論PERMA 模式探討高齡者進修碩士學位過程中所經 驗的幸福內涵。以個別深度訪談55 歲以上之碩士研究生13 位,其平均年齡 為64 歲。採個案研究「多重個案嵌入」設計,以「分析歸納法」進行資料 分析。研究結果,正向情緒(P):高齡者對新身分感到「珍惜」與「信心」; 逐漸享受知的「喜悅」以及克服困難的「滿足」。全然投入(E):高齡者與 學術文本「同在」產生共鳴,「體驗」到時間的有限和流逝感;沉浸於問、 思、答的教學「流動」,並與同儕「共創」集體智慧。正向關係(R):高齡 者在團體「歸屬」中經驗接納,感染年輕的朝氣「活力」;也成為家庭中夢 想實踐的「楷模」,感受子女反哺之「回饋」。意義(M):高齡者進修著重 體現「自我效能」,逐步分享與利他;在增廣視野中孕育生涯的「整裝待發」。 成就(A):不斷超越自我而提升「電腦資訊」能力,在腦力活化中翻轉成 為「學習的主體」。學習歷程中的幸福狀態分為三個階段:學習初之喜悅與 信心期、學習中之投入與突破期,以及學習進階之興盛與建構期。


The aim of this study was to understand the experience of elderly people by the PERMA model. Thirteen participants were graduate students from a university in northern Taiwan and each were invited to an in-depth interview once. Their average age was 64 years old. This study adopted a ‟Multiple-case embedded design” of case study and analytic induction. For each component of the PERMA model, the results are as follows: ‟Positive emotion (P)”: The elderly people cherished and were confident. They gradually enjoyed learning and overcame difficulties. ‟Engagement (E)”: The elderly people re-experienced the sense of time, resonated with academic work, immersed in the flow of asking, thinking and responding, and had creative conversations with peers. ‟Positive relationships (R)”: The elderly people felt they belonged from peers, became a model and got positive feedbacks in their family. ‟Meaning (M)”: The elderly people improved their self-efficacy, tried to help others, and began to re-start their new career. ‟Achievement (A)”: They made progress in using computers and became an active learner. There were three stages in the well-being state of the learning process: the early stage was joyful and confidence, the middle of stage was engagement and breakthrough, and the last stage was flourish and construction. Finally, limitations and suggestions were discussed.
