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篇名 教育行政作為效率控制或是公義解放? —R. Bates 的批判理論對教育行政之啟示
卷期 31:2
並列篇名 Educational Administration as a Technology of Control? - A Study on the Educational Implications of R. Bates Critical Theory
作者 蘇鈺楠
頁次 095-120
關鍵字 批判理論教育行政教育行政典範Critical Theoryeducational administrationparadigm of educational administrationTSSCI
出刊日期 201812


R. Bates 是當代重要的教育行政學家,但目前在臺灣的相關研究卻極為稀 少,其獨特之處在於從社會學的觀點切入分析教育行政,並將批判理論與教育 行政做結合,Bates 認為教育行政的目的在於解放,要達成此目的,行政過程 中便不能讓管理主義操弄,在各種知識學習與行政手段上都需要注意有無違背 此價值。這個思維論述或許可給予現今的臺灣在教育行政上一個新的觀點,並 增添國內教育行政學對理論運動論述之辯證反思。本研究先行反思教育行政控 制的源頭,發現地方自治改革運動、教育職業專業化和效率膜拜會加劇:(1) 教育再製不平等;(2)知識成了學校體制再製下的產物;(3)形成說教式的教育 文化;(4)失去公眾確信與社會關懷等四項問題。研究者並分析了管理主義和 批判理論有三個本質差異,以此導出教育行政民主化、多元文化與公義化的三 個教育行政上之啟示,期望藉由新的論述引入,增添教育行政領域中不同的觀 點。


R. Bates is one of the most important educational administration scholars in modern time. However, there has been little research about Bates in Taiwan. The uniqueness of Bates’s theory lies in the analysis of educational administration based on sociology, combining critical theory with educational administration practice. For Bates, the purpose of educational administration is liberation rather than control, which corresponds to the aim of needing to anti-control the administration process, bringing to the forefront the contrary of every means of learning knowledge and administration regulations. Based on this theory, a new direction of educational administration perspective may begin in Taiwan, with focus on reflecting what the significance of the theory movement is. This study begins with the reflection on the origin of administration control, revealing the municipal reform movement, occupational professionalization, and the cult of efficiency as a source, which leads to four major problems: (1) reinforcing social reproduction on education, (2) knowledge as a product of school reproduction, (3) producing a didactic pedagogy, and (4) lacking a fundamental commitment to the ideas of community and to the mutuality of social concerns. The researcher also analyzes the three differences of control theory and critical theory, and deduces the three implications of educational administration democratization, multiculturalism, and justice, with expectation to reach different perspectives in educational administration by means of a new voice.
