
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 資訊通訊科技國際品牌之通路管理方案
卷期 20:4
並列篇名 How ICT MNCs9 Organize Their Channel Management Programs
作者 黃士修于卓民巫立宇
頁次 004-023
關鍵字 通路管理通路管理方案資訊通訊科技channel managementchannel programinformation and communication technologyTSSCI
出刊日期 201812
DOI 10.3966/199582342018122004001


國内資訊通訊科技(ICT)廠商在過去近 30年間努力開拓國際市場,並獲致不錯的 結果,讓台灣品牌在國際市場中占有一席 之地。然而,最近10年來,台灣的ICT品 牌廠商在國外市場接連遭遇挫敗,原因之 一與通路經營不善有關。 品牌拉力與通路推力是開發市場的左 右兩手。本研究主軸在通路相關的運作, 透過探討ICT多國企業領導品牌惠普資訊 科技股份有限公司在台灣的通路經營賣 務,歸納出一套通路管理方案之「工具 組」(即通路管理八類方案與四項目的組 合),既可供ICT業者參考,也可作為深入 研究通路管理與理論對話之橋樑。


Through about thirty years5 efforts, Taiwanese ICT brands have established decent positions in world markets. However, due to problems associated with channel management, several noted Taiwanese ICT companies have encountered set-back in last decade. Brand-pull and channel-push strategies are the left- and right-hand for market development and this study focused on the later. Through integrating the various channel management programs of HP Taiwan Information Technology Ltd., a leading MNC in the ICT industry, this study derives a matrix composed of eight categories of programs and four types of purposes. This matrix, termed the tool-set of channel management programs can assist Taiwanese ICT companies to organize their channel programs as well to manage their channel partners abroad. In addition, the matrix also serves as a bridge between channel management practices and theories for research-ers.
