
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 食安風暴遇眞心
卷期 20:4
並列篇名 Inferior Lard Food Crisis to Meet the Sincere
作者 雷漢聲張粟賻李慶芳
頁次 072-091
關鍵字 危機處理食安風暴食品安全管理家族企業裕珍罾crisis managementfood scandalfood safety managementfamily businessYu Jan ShinTSSCI
出刊日期 201812
DOI 10.3966/199582342018122004004


2014年9月,強冠公司以33%劣質油混 合67%豬油,出廠成為「全統香豬油」, 引發國内嚴重的食安問題,國内多家知名 下游廠商皆因使用強冠公司的黑心油品而 幾乎身敗名裂,其中,經營已超過半世紀 的優良糕餅老店裕珍罾,平時雖然對原料 的來源與品質管理嚴謹,但為何還是受到 波及?因劣質油引發的油蔥酥食安事件 中,要如何面對媒體的緊迫盯人?對消費 大衆高漲不滿的情緒又要如何安撫?這些 對經營50年的裕珍罾都是史無前例的災 難。陳裕賢董事長要如何帶領經營團隊解 決問題與扭轉劣勢,以及在面臨決策時經 營者的一念之差,也有可能成為家業存亡 的關鍵,種種危機歷程都考驗著裕珍罾家 族企業如何化危機為轉機。


In September 2014, Qian Guan Co., Ltd. modulated 67% lard with 33% inferior oil and launched it with the name,“Quan-Tong lard”. It has caused the worst food oil scandal in Taiwan and hundreds of downstream industry have been implicated and lost their business goodwill. This article resolved how the chairman, Chen Yu Shian, led the management team to pass the inferior and solved operating difficulties. The response to managing crisis might become a key factor in business survival. The incident that Yu Jan Shin applied the fried shallot polluted by the black-hearted lard in their products has unprecedentedly trialled this over-50-year-old company not only on the crisis management on facing media but also how to appease customer's dissatisfaction. Yu Jan Shin as one of the bakery manufacturers affected in the incident is a famous and beloved traditional half century-old shop. If they have strict management and inspection on the source of all raw materials as they claimed, why had this traditional company been involved in the scandal? These climacteric processes have examed this family business in their reaction to the turning point.
