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篇名 上大人,一齣亂彈戲的歷史知識考掘
卷期 29
並列篇名 The Adaptation of Historical Knowledge in Theatrical Operas: An Archeological Analysis on the Luantan Script of Shang-Da-Ren
作者 范揚坤
頁次 001-046
關鍵字 上大人書房亂彈戲唸歌客家八音Shang-Da-Renstudy studioluantan operanarrative songHakka bayin
出刊日期 201811
DOI 10.6244/JOMR.201811_(29).01




Kong Yiji was a popular early text for learning Chinese characters in Taiwan. With a total of only twenty-eight characters, it was brief in length but important culturally because it was the starting point for many Taiwanese pupils in their acquirement of Chinese written texts. The familiarity with Kong Yiji was reflected through the constant adaptations of the text in traditional performing arts, and most prominently in the repertory of different theatrical operas. The phenomenon—also known as Shang-Da-Ren phenomenon—became obscure with the passage of time and its historic significance has largely been neglected. This paper explores the Shang-Da-Ren phenomenon and its cultural and historical development through an archeological study on the Luantan script of Shang-Da-Ren. By expanding the scope of the research to genealogical analysis of related musical genres, the author traces the lineage of cultural aesthetic experiences, especially how a common piece for basic language learning can find expression through different art forms and ultimately survive the multitudinous cultural changes. The diversity in different artistic renditions of the text indicates the necessity to uncover the impact of the culture nurtured in the primitive society upon cultural understanding and contemporary artistic experiences in Taiwan.
