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篇名 定期賽會目的地意象與參與型運動觀光客之行為意圖:地方依賴與地方認同的中介效果
卷期 51:4
並列篇名 Destination images for recurring sport events and active sport tourist behavioral intentions: The mediating effect of place dependence and place identity
作者 蘇維杉黃政紘
頁次 499-518
關鍵字 參與型運動觀光客運動賽會目的地意象地方依賴地方認同行為意圖active sport touristdestination image for sport eventsplace dependenceplace identitybehavioral intentionsTSSCI
出刊日期 201812
DOI 10.3966/102472972018125104008


緒論:愈來愈多運動觀光客參與競技性的運動遊憩,各地因而發展出更多運動觀光 的機會,亦形成更高的地方依附和目的地忠誠,因此舉辦定期小型運動賽會是永續旅遊 發展的策略之一。本研究使用融合了賽會和目的地意象的衡量工具,包含旅遊體驗品質、 吸引力、目的地氛圍和賽會特徵,探討其對參與型運動觀光客地方依附與行為意圖的影 響,並釐清地方依附內在構面前後影響之關連性和中介形式。方法:本研究問卷於 2016 年 11月 13日臺灣田中馬拉松賽會現場發放 450份問卷,扣除亂答與漏填等無效問卷後, 共計 438份有效樣本。結果:根據參與田中馬拉松運動觀光客的實際體驗,構成賽會目 的地意象的因素,包含旅遊體驗品質、吸引力、目的地氛圍和賽會特徵。而地方依賴及 地方認同具有順序性,中介效果只有地方依賴達到部分中介影響。結論:本研究討論了 運動賽會和目的地旅遊行為的影響,並將地方依附概念妥善運用於賽會目的地旅遊市 場,並提供目的地行銷人員實質的建議,以供相關決策參考。


Introduction: An increasing number of tourists are participating in competitive sports, leading to the development of increased sports tourism opportunities throughout Taiwan, as well as stronger place attachment and destination loyalty. Thus, holding recurring, small-scale sports events is therefore a strategy that can ensure the sustainable development of the tourism industry. This study used a measurementtool that incorporated event image and destination image, including quality of tourism experience, attractions, destination atmosphere, and event characteristics, to examine their effects on the place attachment and behavioral intentions of active sport tourists. Also clarified the order relationships and mediating forms of the internal dimensions of place attachment. Methods: On November 13, 2016, questionnaires were distributed at the Taiwan Tianzhong Marathon. This study issued altogether 450 questionnaires, after eliminating invalid questionnaires, there were 438 valid questionnaires. Results: Factors influencing the destination image of the sports event were determined according to the actual experiences of sports tourists who participated in the Tianzhong Marathon. These factors included quality of tourism experience, attractions, destination atmosphere, and event characteristics. Furthermore, place dependence and place identity were sequential. It is found that the mediating effect by place dependence in series alone. Conclusion: This study discussed the effects of sports events and destination travel behavior, fully applying the concept of place attachment to the tourism market for sports event destinations. This provides destination marketing agents with key suggestions for related decision making.
