
本土心理學研究 TSSCI

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篇名 本土夫妻共識形成與情感增溫──以參與式行動研究深化家庭理論建構與教育實踐
卷期 49
並列篇名 Chinese Couple Consensus Building and Affection Enhancement—Advancing Family Theoretical Construction and Educational Practice through Participatory Action Research
作者 利翠珊蕭英玲陳富美鄧皓引丁品瑄
頁次 207-276
關鍵字 夫妻共識本土研究參與式行動研究婚姻教育方案情感增溫couple consensusindigenous researchmarital education programparticipatory action researchrelationship enrichmentTSCITSSCI
出刊日期 201806
DOI 10.6254/2018.49.207




The goal of this research is to bridge the gap between academia and practice. Through participatory action research, we try to facilitate dialogue between researcher and practitioner. We aim at advancing our knowledge about the process of reaching couple consensus. It is also our attempt to develop a marriage education program which helps couple enrich their relationship.
The key members of the PAR team include 3 college professors and 2 family educators. Monthly meetings and several group meetings in between are held to make decisions together and solve problems. We also conduct 4 focus groups to do need assessment, program consultation, and program evaluation respectively. Data are collected from 14 family educators, 5 male potential participants, and 10 program participants.
Results of the focus groups indicate that, ‘willingness’ and ‘atmosphere’ are the premises of consensus. It is also found that when couples disagree with each other, husbands are concerned about reaching a tangible goal rather than dealing with the negotiation process. They also tend to avoid arguments in the consensus building process.
As planned, a program based on indigenous research findings is developed. It is characterized as localization, pleasure, privacy, profession, and diversity. The program is then applied to couples with preschool children. In the process of recruiting participants and implementing the program, we run into difficulties such as husbands not interested in joining the program, children need special attention, etc. However, most program participants do experience enrichment in their marital relationship. Inputs from the program participants in the focus group also reveal that couple consensus is not always possible, nor necessary. Continuously communicating with each other and being able to take possible consequences may be more important.
Through the whole process, researcher and practitioner are empowered by each other. Researchers reflected upon academic bias such as overlooking conditions of reaching couple consensus. Family education practitioners, on the other hand, value the program for it is distinguished from other programs that focus on skill practicing or counseling. They all agree to move on to the next action research circle, which is plan, act, check, assess, and reflection.
