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篇名 第三代太陽能熱水器儲水桶之節能研究
卷期 31
並列篇名 A Research on the Energy Saving 3rd Generation Solar Water Heating Tank
作者 李俊德朱奐玫
頁次 017-026
關鍵字 節能減碳太陽能熱水器儲水桶Carbon ReductionSolar PowerStorage Tanks
出刊日期 201811




Taiwan is a country with quite adequate amount of sunlight; even at the northern highlands solar-powered water heater will still be usable. However, the first generation conventional storage water heater and the second generation improved storage water heater design are not an idea. When hot water is being used, the tank refills itself with cold water, and, thus, resulting in the decrease of water temperature inside tank. This will cause the heater to have an additional heating cycle, also to increase consumption of energy sources. As for the disadvantage of the second generation storage water heater, we have designed the third generation storage water heater, the smart solar water heating tank with a movable "partition disk" inside the tank, to improve and effectively resolve problem of mixing hot and cold water so that the hot water can be fully utilized.
