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篇名 黃耆、黨參、當歸、白芨及紫草促進皮膚纖維母細胞增生與促進細胞移行能力之探討
卷期 20:2
並列篇名 Evaluation of Traditional Chinese Medicine on the Cellular Proliferation and Migration in Human Fibroblast Cells
作者 林美儀林金燕陳淑幸陳嘉帆李英瑞
頁次 001-012
關鍵字 中藥纖維母細胞細胞增生移行能力Traditional Chinese MedicineFibroblastCell ProliferationCell Migration
出刊日期 201812


傷口癒合的速度與眾多疾病預後有相關性,是臨床醫療照護能否成功的重要關鍵之 一。其中糖尿病患常見的足部潰瘍是臨床常見議題,糖尿病患中每年約有4-10%會發生 糖尿病足的併發症;終其一生,約25%的患者會發生糖尿病足的病徵。目前糖尿病傷口 癒合的臨床藥物只有Becaplermin gel,然而此藥物除價格昂貴,其使用及保存也非常不 便,只能用在小於5 cm2 的小傷口,長期使用,會增加癌症死亡的風險;因此,從傳統 中藥篩選出可促進傷口癒合的藥方將是一個重要且可行的方向。 本研究顯示,黃耆、黨參、當歸、白芨及紫草皆具促進人類纖維母細胞之增生效果, 且對人類黑色素瘤細胞不但不具有促進細胞生長之能力;其中黨參、白芨及紫草甚至對 人類黑色素瘤細胞具有細胞毒性。此外,他們亦具有促進細胞移行的能力。藉由本研究 對這些中藥之生物活性影響分析,我們證實此五種中藥對人類纖維母細胞具有促進增生 與移行能力之功效,且可以抑制氧化壓力的產生,可能有助於傷口癒合;更重要的是, 我們發現處理此五種中藥並不會增加人類黑色素瘤細胞的增生,顯示這些中藥儘管使用 在罹癌病患亦是具有相當安全性的。因此,我們認為未來可以依此進一步研究開發出有 效促進傷口癒合之藥劑,以增進中藥臨床之應用與貢獻。


In the clinical, wound healing has a contribution on prognosis in multiple diseases. Accordingly, the outcome of the wound healing is one of the most important keys to the success of medical care. Among them, the common foot ulcer in patients with diabetic foot is a clinically common issue. In diabetic patients, about 4-10%/year of cases occur diabetic foot complications; and throughout their lives, about 25% of patients develop symptoms of diabetic foot. Currently, Becaplermin gel is the unique and universal drug for wound healing treatment in diabetes. However, this drug is not only expensive but also inconvenient to use and store. It can only be used in small wounds less than 5 cm2. Patients may increase the risk of death with cancers for long-term use. Therefore, it is an important and feasible strategy to screen agents that could promote wound healing in traditional Chinese medicines. In the present study, we showed that Huangqi, Tangshen, Angelicae Radix, Bletilla striata and Lithospermum could elevate the proliferation of human fibroblast cells. Moreover, they had no effects on the growth of human melanoma cells. Most importantly, Tangshen, Bletilla striata and Lithospermum showed a cytotoxic in human melanoma cells. In addition, all of them also illustrated the ability to promote cellular migration in fibroblast cells. According to the present study, we demonstrated that Huangqi, Tangshen, Angelicae Radix, Bletilla striata and Lithospermum have the effects on the proliferation and migration enhancement, and inhibition of ROS production in human fibroblasts, and it may contribute on promote wound healing. And most importantly, treatment with these compounds in human melanoma cells shows no effect on the promoting cellular proliferation, suggesting they are safety for treatment even in the cancer patients. Therefore, we suggested that it needs further study and develops of these agents for the clinical application on wound healing therapeutics.
