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篇名 家庭與遊戲本位正向行為支持提升特殊幼兒情緒管理能力之研究
卷期 17:1
並列篇名 Family-centered and Play-based Positive Behavior Support to Promote Emotional Regulation Skills for a Young Child with Special Needs
作者 朱思穎莊雅筑
頁次 001-019
關鍵字 家庭本位正向行為支持特殊幼兒情緒管理能力遊戲本位Family-centeredpositive behavior supportyoung children with disabilitiesemotional regulationplay-based
出刊日期 201903


本研究旨在探討運用家庭本位正向行為支持(Family-Centered PositiveBehavior Support, family-centered PBS)的介入,並以遊戲導入方式改善特殊幼兒情緒管理之成效。研究採用單一受試研究法之A-B-A 撤回設計,針對一位五歲自閉症幼兒每週進行一至兩次的教學,每次約一小時,個別教學為期七周,團體活動為期十周,共十七週的介入。研究採自編觀察記錄表並以目視分析法來檢核本介入之成效並運用問卷以了解該介入能否提升親子間互動影響之社會成效。研究結果顯示PBS 介入後,個案在情緒管理、人際關係及親子間的互動皆有所提升。研究建議該介入策略方法需在親師合作與有共識下,其成效會更佳。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of family-centered positive behavior support and play-based intervention for improving emotional regulations of young children with disabilities. This study utilized A-B-A of single-subject experimental design. One 5-year-old child with autism received 60 minutes of intervention one or two days per week, and total was 17 weeks of intervention (7 weeks individual instruction and 10 weeks group activity). The visual analysis, interobserver agreement, and procedure fidelity were used to analyze the outcomes of intervention, while social validity was implemented to understand whether such intervention improves parent-child interaction. The results revealed that was the effect of PBS for improving emotional regulation, interpersonal relation, and parent-child interaction. It suggests that such intervention should be based on parent-professional partnership and reach consensus on both sides for better intervention outcomes.
