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篇名 台南某地區醫院學齡前發展遲緩兒童主要照顧者親職壓力與生活品質之相關
卷期 17:1
並列篇名 Parental Stress and Quality of Life in Parents of Children with Developmental Delay in a District Hospital in Tainan
作者 唐愉君林雁飛陳品秀林彣芷
頁次 020-035
關鍵字 發展遲緩親職壓力生活品質Developmental delayparenting stressquality of life
出刊日期 201903


本研究目的是探討學齡前發展遲緩兒童主要照顧者親職壓力與生活品質之相關,及相關影響之變項。研究設計立意取樣,針對6 歲前小孩的爸爸或媽媽且是主要照顧者為研究對象,共有65 位參與研究,63 份有效資料。研究工具為結構式問卷,內容包括:研究對象和其小孩的基本屬性資料、親職壓力量表簡式版和台灣簡明版世界衛生組織生活品質問卷。所收集資料經整理和編碼後,利用統計套裝軟體SPSS18.0 進行資料建檔分析。研究結果發現:發展遲緩兒童主要照顧者在親職壓力之平均分數未達臨床範圍,但當中有部分照顧者需要轉介至專業人士,在父母困擾和困難兒童分量表得分最高;與台灣健康人的生活品質相比,照顧者對生理健康和心理範疇的滿意度顯著較低;未有任一項人口學變項與親職壓力或生活品質有顯著差異;親職壓力各量表與生活品質各範疇均達顯著負相關。本研究限制在於樣本數少且收案地點較局限於偏鄉地區。然無法推及全省。本研究結果可增加臨床醫療人員之敏感度,未來接觸發展遲緩兒童照顧者的警覺性,以及建議舉辦早期療育演講、宣導、在等候治療前給予衛教的內容等服務,是否促進照顧者對孩子的包容與接受度,從而維持照顧者之身心健康。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the parental stress and quality of life of parents of children with developmental delay (DD) and to explore the related factors. Subjects of the study consisted of 65 parents of children with developmental delay, but only have 63 valid data. They were enrolled purposive sampling. The data were collected in the form of questionnaires, including: (1) the basic information of the children and parent, (2) Parenting stress index: short form (PSI/SF), (3) WHO Quality of Life-BREF-Taiwan Version. The data were analyzed with the software SPSS 18.0 for windows. The major findings of the study are as follows: Some parents of children with DD had to transfer to professional, mean of parental distress and difficult child subtest were high; Compared with healthy population in Taiwan, their physical health and psychological health were significantly poor; Demographic variables were not found with parenting stress and life satisfaction in our study; Parenting stress and life satisfaction were significantly related. These findings imply that we should notice parents’ status and provide proper information and support.
