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篇名 視障者留日學習理療按摩與國內就業環境演變之探討
卷期 17:1
並列篇名 Discussion on the Visually Impaired Studying in Japan to Study Massage Therapy and the Evolution of the Domestic Employment Environment
作者 周美田周珮琪李德茂周立偉
頁次 036-053
關鍵字 視障者按摩留學因素生涯發展Visually impairedmassagestudy abroad factorscareer development
出刊日期 201903


按摩(Massage)從日治時期引進臺灣至今,已有百年歷史,這期間有許多臺灣視障者赴日本留學學習按摩,延續他們的理療夢想。自1897 年郭主恩等3 人赴日留學之後,開啟了臺灣視障者赴日留學的大門。本研究主旨在探討臺灣視障者在不同時期遠渡重洋學習按摩的動機、歷程,及對其日後就業的影響。並以文獻分析法及半結構式訪談,蒐集相關文獻結合訪談資料,經整理、歸納及討論出以下結果:(一)1897 年臺灣視障者赴日留學,是盲人機構為培養按摩師資為目的;(二)1980 年後,臺灣視障者出國留學因素除本身意願及家庭支持外,主要是受國外教學環境及專業訓練所吸引;(三)在臺灣視障者要成為理療師的機率偏低;(四)自由市場良性競爭下,視障者所憑藉的是紮實的專業訓練,而不是救濟政策;(五)日本、大陸與英國在視障職業教育上的措施,或可做為相關單位在制定職業教育政策時的參考。


Since the period of Japanese occupation, massage has been introduced to Taiwan from Japan for a century. There have been quite a few Taiwanese blind persons studying abroad in Japan and extending their dream. The main purpose of this study is to discover the factors, the process, and the results. Content Analysis and Semi-structural Interviews and adopted to collect related documents and interview data. By marshalling and combining these data, the following conclusions are summarized: 1). the aim of the Taiwanese blind person study in Japan was the institution of blind train men for profession in 1897. 2). after 1980, in addition to blind persons’ willing and family support, the factors of Taiwanese blind persons’ studying abroad include the attraction of the environment of education and the professional training. 3). the chance of being a physical therapist is relatively low as a blind person in Taiwan. 4). under the benign competition of the free market, the visually impaired rely on solid professional training rather than relief policy. 5). Japan, China and the United Kingdom measures on vocational education for the visually impaired, can be used as the relevant units in the formulation of vocational education policy.
