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篇名 教育可以提高快樂嗎?以信任、國家為榮、休閒與健康為中介變項
卷期 5:2
並列篇名 Education Can Enhance the Happiness? The Trust, Proud of Nation, Leisure, and Health of Mediating Factors Test
作者 張芳全
頁次 075-106
關鍵字 快樂人際信任休閒健康教育年數educational attainmenthappinesshealthinter-personal trustproud of nationleisure
出刊日期 201806


許多研究探討影響快樂因素,但沒有討論個人背景因素與快樂之間受到人際信任、個人健康、國家為榮與休閒之中介因素影響。教育哲學家認為,教育可以增廣見聞,提高個人的快樂,然而臺灣國民接受教育之後,真的令人快樂提升嗎?本研究基於正向心理學,分析影響臺灣國民快樂因素,建構影響快樂模式,並找出影響快樂之人際信任、國家為榮、休閒重要及健康狀況的中介因素檢定。資料取自World Values Survey(2012),獲得結論如下:(一)臺灣的國民接受教育程度愈高,快樂感愈低;(二)臺灣的國民經濟收人是預測快樂關鍵因素;(三)年齡與快樂呈U型關係;(四)性別與婚姻狀況也是預測快樂主因之一,居住地的人口規模則否;(五)臺灣的男性會透過人際信任預測快樂;個人經濟收人透過國家為榮及健康狀況預測快樂;個人教育年數與年齡透過對休閒認知重要性預測快樂程度。


Many studies research on the impacted factors of happiness, however, they were not investigated the individual background factors and happiness that mediated by the trust, proud of nation, leisure, and health factors. Educational philosophy pointed out education can enhance the people view points and enhance happiness. But can person attain more education, and they will be more happy in Taiwan? Base on the positive psychology, this study researches on the impacted factors of happiness in Taiwan. The study data was from World Values Survey (2012). It constructed the impacted factors of happiness model, and found out the mediated factors of trust, proud of nation, leisure, and health to test. The results are as follows. First, the higher educational attainment, the lower happiness. Second, the per capital income was an important factor for happiness. Third, a U-shaped relationship between age and happiness has been found. Fourth, gender and marital status were also significant factors with happiness, however, the people living area was not. Finally, male will be happy mediating by the inter-personal trust, and people income was mediated by people’ proud of nation and health, and people educational attainment and age were mediated by people’ leisure, then they will be more happy.
