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篇名 台灣不同年齡層級男子網球選手專項體能表現差異之研究
卷期 6:2
並列篇名 The study of Taiwan junior male tennis specific performance comparison among different age division
作者 陳志榮李敏華廖學松吳志銘
頁次 075-082
關鍵字 青少年網球選手分齡網球專項體能測驗junior tennis playersage divisiontennis SFT
出刊日期 201909
DOI 10.3966/240996512019090602004


緒論:網球運動在國內歷史悠久,國際成績表現在近年國家代表隊中,也是數一數二。另也需要透過參與各層級的分齡國內外賽事,獲取賽事經驗與反省選手體能與技戰術優缺點。本研究目的比較不同年齡層級青少年男子網球選手專項體能差異。方法:以國內41所的國高中男子網球選手為受試者,高中選手169人,國中選手177人,合計346位,依年齡層級分為14歲組、16歲組及18歲組,分別進行網球專項體能測驗,所得資料以描述性統計呈現不同年齡層級網球選手各項基本資料,以單因子變異數分析不同年齡層級網球選手在專項體能表現之差異,統計之顯著水準訂為α = .05。結果:不同年齡層級網球選手在30秒伏地挺身、1分鐘伏地挺身、20公尺衝刺、藥球丟擲(右側)、藥球丟擲(左側)、垂直跳及1600公尺跑走等測驗項目上,18歲組皆優於14歲組及16歲組;在右肩關節測驗項目上,14歲組優於18歲組。另外,在穿梭跑、藥球丟擲(頭頂前拋)及網球專項敏捷測試測驗項目上,則沒有差別。結論:本研究為目前國內不同年齡層級青少年男子網球選手專項體能現況,從不同年齡層選手在專項體能表現上的特長,可了解到青少年網球選手在身心不同成長階段的專項體能差異性,測驗項目表現優劣亦可供教練在擬定不同年齡層級選手訓練處方時之參考。


Introductions: Taiwan Tennis athletes have historical and honored performance in decades, this is based on the training of the regional and national teams. In addition, it is also necessary to obtain the experience and reflections by participating in the domestic and international competitions at all age divisions. Therefore, the Purpose of this study was to investigate the difference of junior tennis male player specific performance among different age division. Methods: recruiting the age14 to 18 Taiwan high school team tennis players to participate in this study, all subject were given and written the informed consent before the tennis specific fitness test (tennis SFT). 169 senior and 177 junior high school players were divided into age 14(14s), 16(16s) and 18(18s) age division, respectively. One-way ANOVA and descriptive statistic methods were used to analysis performance difference among different age division, and the significant level was set as α= .05. Results: 18s performed better than 14s and 16s in the following items, 30seconds and 1minute push-up, 20meters dash, both sides medicine ball throwing, vertical jump and 1600meters run. However, 14s group subjects was better in shoulder flexibility than 18s. in further, all three groups did not shown significant difference in shuttle run, overhead medicine ball throwing and filed agility running tests. Conclusions: according to the results, these data could provide the tennis coach and players to understand the tennis SFT performance characteristics in each junior age division, and that is also available for coaching in the preparation of reference for training periodization.
