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篇名 國內一般撐竿跳高選手助跑速度利用率與成績表現之相關性分析
卷期 6:2
並列篇名 The relationship between velocity utilization rate and pole vault performance in domestic general pole vaulter
作者 楊木輝陳九州徐敬亭何維華
頁次 083-090
關鍵字 助跑速度能力分段速度approachspeed capabilitysectioned speed
出刊日期 201909
DOI 10.3966/240996512019090602005


緒論:撐竿跳高持竿助跑速度是產生動能的最主要的條件,也是影響撐竿跳高運動表現的重要因素,本研究主要目的是探討國內一般選手撐竿跳高助跑速度利用率、助跑距離與成績表現之關係。方法:研究對象為10名國內一般男子撐竿跳高選手,使用高頻雷射測速槍,測量其持竿衝刺跑和實跳助跑之速度及相對距離,並計算選手每5公尺分段平均速度、助跑距離、持竿衝刺跑達最高速距離和實跳助跑速度利用率。研究資料皆以SPSS v. 23統計軟體處理,以皮爾森積差相關分析各變項間是否有顯著相關。結果:持竿衝刺跑和實跳助跑速度在一般選手中和成績並無顯著相關;持竿衝刺跑速度與實跳助跑速度有顯著正相關;助跑距離與速度利用率有顯著正相關。結論:國內一般撐竿跳高選手的速度能力不是成績表現的關鍵因素,建議專項訓練時,基本的速度和起跳後空中技術能力必須全面性提升;強化持竿衝刺跑速度能力,有助於實跳助跑速度的發揮;國內一般撐竿跳高選手助跑距離普遍低於持竿衝刺跑達最高速距離,導致其速度利用率未能完全發揮,因而影響撐竿跳高助跑速度之表現。


Introduction: The approach speed of pole vault (PV) is an important factor affecting Performance. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the utilization rate of the approach speed, the approach distance, and pole vault performance. Methods: Ten domestic general pole vaulters were recruited. The speed and distance of their running with pole (PR, without jump) and pole vault approach (PVA, with real jump) were measured using a high-frequency laser speed gun, in order to calculate the average speed of each 5m section, approach distance, the distance to the maximum speed, and the utilization rate of the PVA speed. The research data was processed by SPSS v. 23 statistical software, and the correlation between the variables was analyzed by Pearson's correlation coefficient. Results: The maximum average speed of 5m section of the PR and PVA do not correlate with the PV performance; the utilization rate of the PVA speed significantly positively correlates with the PVA distance. Conclusions: The speed ability is not associated with PV performance in the domestic general pole vaulters; the special basic speed and the technical ability after take-off should be considered. Improving PR ability during training could possibly help PVA performance. The insufficiency of approach distance is associated with the performance of the PVA in the domestic general pole vaulters, which possibly results from low speed utilization rate.
