
圖書資訊學刊 CSSCIScopusTSSCI

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篇名 節目影像資料敘事分析之探索性研究
卷期 17:2
並列篇名 Exploratory Research on TV Program Video Data Narrative Analysis
作者 阮明淑
頁次 001-034
關鍵字 資料敘事農民個人品牌說故事節目影像資料Data NarrativeFarmerPersonal BrandingStorytellingTV Program Video DataTSSCI
出刊日期 201912
DOI 10.6182/jlis.201912_17(2).001


本研究根據阮明淑於2019年所提出之資料敘事分析方法(簡稱DNA方法)為基礎, 建構影像資料敘事分析流程,經篩選3位成功農民個案,蒐集其相關電視節目採訪影像資料進行分析。首先利用劇本分析解構13部影像資料之敘事結構,再結合先前研究找出的品牌故事內容元素,以及本研究梳理之品牌故事情節引發元素進行分析,最後以序列分析法編碼,找出影像資料敘事之品牌故事元素組合。研究主要結果如下:一、成功農民個案節目採訪影像資料之品牌故事內容多突顯農民自身故事與品牌理念;二、電視節目採訪視角為「農民即主角」,人性化與戲劇性兼具;三、電視節目在敘事農民個人品牌故事時,其呈現之故事元素重點各有不同,且不同電視臺的元素配置手法也各有差異,大致可區分理性與感性二種路線。其中,理性路線會比感性路線更容易連結「產生購買意願」,且「認同」與「理解」二元素是主要轉換點。


This study is based on the data narrative analysis method (referred as DNA method) proposed by Ming-Shu Yuan in 2019, which constructed a narrative analysis process for image data. After screening out three successful farmers’ cases, we collected relevant TV programs and interviewed video data for analysis. First of all, the play analysis was used to deconstruct the narrative structure of the thirteen video data, and then utilized the content elements of the brand story found in the previous research and the brand story plot trigger elements of this study, lastly, encoded by sequential analysis to find the sets of elements in the narrative of video data. The research findings are as follows: Firstly, the successful farmers’ case interviews with video data highlights the farmers’ own stories and brand concepts; Next, the TV program interview perspective is “farmer as the protagonist,” which is both humanized and dramatic; Finally, when the TV program is telling the story of the individual brand of the farmer, the elements of the story are different, and the narrative skills of TV stations are also different, which can roughly distinguish the two routes of rationality and emotionality. Among them, the rational route will be more likely to link “generating purchase intention” than the emotional route, and the two elements of “identity” and “understanding” are the main conversion points.
