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篇名 推動民眾參與政策型工作坊之效益分析-雲林縣口湖鄉景觀綱要計畫
卷期 34:4
並列篇名 Benefit analysis of Promotion the Public Participation Policy Measure "Workshops of the Landscape Master Plan" – The of Implementation Results of Kouhu Township, Yunlin County
作者 陳湘琴李政諭
頁次 031-048
關鍵字 民眾參與工作坊景觀綱要計畫社區發展public participationworkshoplandscape master plancommunity development
出刊日期 201906


台灣自1995 年推動社區總體營造以來,民眾對於地方問題意識和社區規劃已有提升,這是民主社會發展重要的面向,本研究關注在於未來如何讓民眾參與和政策型計劃邁向制度化的思考。本研究關注的焦點在於下一個階段如何讓民眾參與和政策型計劃邁向制度化。本文討論了研究者在雲林縣口湖鄉為期一年民眾參與「景觀綱要計畫工作坊」的施作,目的在探討下列三點:1.議題工作坊對綱要計畫的效益為何?2.居民對計畫工作坊有何看法?3.計畫工作坊和綱要計畫如何有效落實?研究結果總結如下:1.議題工作坊旨在實施短期、中期和長期的發展計劃,民眾所提擬出解決土地、水域、產業、文化和遊憩等景觀地的改善和需求,再串聯其他具體行動方案,可建構城鄉地方特色;2.地理區位、經濟效益和社區領導者的投入將影響社區的參與度。參與者普遍認同計畫工作坊的必要性、價值性和滿意度,他們反應「議題討論」和「學者專家和成果說明」的專業知識不易理解,表達意見較為保守認為表達意見沒有用,並認為工作坊需要改善;3.計畫工作坊需要政治中立,以建立信賴感。由於專業知識不易理解,創造放鬆感,通過參觀活動引發興趣,以及透過多元方法提供資訊和教育,可以提高參與度;為了實現政府的景觀綱要計畫和地方永續發展,需要正式的人員編制和部門管理,這需要立法和體制方面的改變。該綱要計畫工作坊和研究的結果,這些工作坊在制度化,並納入政府行動計畫時可以成為提高公眾參與度之有效方法。


Since the start of the government’s promotion of community development in Taiwan in 1995, citizens’ local consciousness and community planning regarding these issues have grown. This is an important aspect of the development of a democratic society. The focus of this study thinks in the question how public participation and the government’s policy plans can be better linked and institutionalized in the future. This paper provides a discussion of the one year long public participation measure “Workshops of the Landscape Master Plan” that was conducted by the author in Kouhu Township, Yunlin County. It explores the following three points: 1. What is the beneficial result that planning workshops is regarding Master Plan? 2. What do residents think about planning workshops? 3. How do planning workshops and Master Plan work effectively? The results of the study are summarized in the following three points: 1. Planning workshops aim at the implementation of short-term, medium-term and long-term development plans; in conjunction with other concrete action plans, they propose the creation of landscapes regarding land, territorial waters, industry, culture and recreation, in order to develop the special characteristics of urban and rural landscapes. 2. Geographic location, economic benefits, and the involvement of community leaders will influence the community participants. Participants believe that the necessity of planning workshops, value, and satisfaction. They are not easy to understand "the professional knowledge of discussion " and "scholar experts and results description", think that expressing opinions is useless, think that the workshops needs improvement; 3. The planning workshops should be conducted on the basis of a neutral political stance in order to build trust and to facilitate the smooth implementation of the plan; as professional knowledge is not easy to understand, creating a sense of relaxation, initiating interest through visiting activities as well as providing information and education through various methods can enhance participation; In order to realize the government's Landscapes Master Plan and local sustainable development, there is a need for formal staffing and administration. This requires legislative and institutional changes. The findings of this master plan workshop and study suggest that such workshops can be useful means to enhance public participation when they are institutionalized and integrated into the government’s Action Plan.
