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篇名 數位科技在外語教學的應用-以西班牙語課程為例-
卷期 34:4
並列篇名 Application of Digital Technology in Foreign Language Teaching: A Case Study of Spanish Courses
作者 王鶴巘陳怡真
頁次 061-076
關鍵字 線上課程教學策略課程設計西班牙語Online CourseTeaching StrategiesCourse DesignSpanish
出刊日期 201906


進入到 20 世紀,我們熟悉的教學工具: 粉筆、黑板、白板,卡帶、麥克風、幻燈片、單槍投影機等等,都是為了提升教學效果所應用的輔助工具,而聆聽收音機的教課模式可以視為最早的無線線上課程。70 年代台灣空中大學錄製的電視教學課程可謂首先將教學錄製成影音保留下來,這使得教學的內容再播放有了第一次的運用。不過,這些教學的方式仍是以教師為中心,由授課者來帶動整個課程的教學進展。2000 年後,電腦已成為生活中各行各業形影不離的工具,網路的普及更讓我們看到了科技媒體的應用,特別是智慧型手機的問世,無所不在的學習環境,打破了傳統的教學模式,教與學,師生的互動不在止於教室,從開放式課程,遠距教學,翻轉教室到磨課師課程,教師不再是一味單調地使用教科書來授課,他可以製作多媒體教材,讓自己在教學上成為主動積極的經營管理者。本論文以西班牙語課程為例,我們先從課程設計、教學策略介紹,並探討可實行的幾個教學法: 直接教學法、情境教學法、溝通式教學法、聽說教學法,結合數位科技在教學上的應用。其次,我們也對數位教學的優缺點提出看法。最後藉由兩位研究者設計的問卷,分析學員對數位教學的看法和網路線上學習的態度。問卷的評量與回饋,對於老師在未來教學設計與提升學生學習效益上,相信會有很大的幫助。


In the 20th century, the teaching tools like chalks, blackboards, whiteboards, cassettes, microphones, slides and projectors, are used to enhance teaching effects. Teaching and learning with radio can be regarded as the earliest wireless online course. In the 1970s, the TV teaching courses recorded by National Open University were the first attempt to audio- and video-record teaching. This enabled the replay of teaching content. However, these teaching approaches are still teacher-centered, and the instructors are responsible for the progress of teaching. After 2000, computers have become an inseparable part for all walks of life. The popularity of the Internet has enabled us to see the application of technology media. The advent of smart mobile phones especially creates the omnipresent learning environment, breaking the traditional teaching model. Teaching and learning, and teacher-student interaction is not limited to the classroom, but available from open courses, distance learning, flip classrooms, and MOOCs (Massive Open Online courses). Textbooks are not the only teaching source, and teachers can create multimedia materials and actively manage the online courses. This paper takes the Spanish language courses as an example. We introduce the curriculum design and teaching strategies, discuss several teaching methods including direct method, situational teaching method, communicative language teaching, audio-lingual method, and incorporate digital technology into teaching. We also offer opinions on the advantages and disadvantages of digital teaching and learning. Finally, the questionnaire designed by the two researchers was used to explore and analyze students’ views on digital teaching and their attitude toward online learning. The assessment and feedback from the questionnaire is believed to help teachers in the future teaching design and improvement of student learning effectiveness.
