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篇名 素養導向教學實踐之研究:以PjBL導入高中性教育為例
卷期 13:1
並列篇名 Research on Competency-Based Instruction Practicing:A Case Study for PjBL Introduced in High School Sex Education
作者 劉青雯
頁次 075-100
關鍵字 十二年國教生活技能素養導向教學專案導向學習12-year basic educationlife skillscompetency-based instructionProject-Based LearningPjBL
出刊日期 202004
DOI 10.3966/207136492020041301004


為落實十二年國教基本理念,實踐素養導向教學是非常重要的。研究顯示PjBL 是素養導向教學最佳取徑之一。本研究目的在探討PjBL 導入教學實踐概況、學科知識建構成效及溝通互動素養應用與提升成果。研究對象為高中一年級學生,實驗組有64 人,實施PjBL 導入高中性教育教學模組,控制組有57 人,實施部分講授教學模組。研究結果顯示,實驗組在學業成績獨立樣本t 檢定分析上與接受部分講授實施教學的控制組呈現無顯著差異,PjBL 導入確實能促進學生自主學習,建構學科內容知識;研究結果也顯示PjBL 導入確實可以促進學生對性健康議題的關注以及提供學生應用與提升溝通與合作素養/ 生活技能的機會。建議未來初次施行PjBL 導入課程時,可從微課程模組開始,選擇關聯性高的課程主題,以單一學科、跨學科或跨領域實施;採取多元評量策略;課後反思引導非常重要。


In order to implement the philosophy of a 12-year basic education, practicing competency-based instruction is necessary. Studies demonstrate that Project-Based Learning(PjBL) is one of the best approaches for competency-based instruction. The purpose of this study is thus to explore PjBL implementation, the effectiveness of constructing content knowledge, and the application and promotion of communication and interaction competency. The research objects are first-year senior high school students. The experimental group (n1=64)underwent PjBL introduced into the sex education module. The control group(n1=57)had a partial lecturing module. The results reveal no significant differences in the independent sample t test of academic achievement between the experimental group and the control group. Introducing PjBL could promote students' self-directed learning to construct content knowledge. The results also show that introducing PjBL could both promote students' attention to sex health issues and provide a chance for them to apply and promote communication and collaboration competency/skills. In order to implement PjBL for the first time in the future, practitioners should start with the microcourse module, select high relevant themes, set it up for a single subject or interdisciplinary topic, adopt multiple assessment strategies, and reflect upon the results.
