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篇名 國立西南聯合大學圖書館考略
卷期 18:1
並列篇名 On the National Southwest Associated University Library
作者 張宛艷
頁次 125-153
關鍵字 國立西南聯大國立西南聯大圖書館圖書館建設圖書館史The National Southwest Associated UniversityThe National Southwest Associated University LibraryLibrary ConstructionLibrary HistoryTSSCI
出刊日期 202006
DOI 10.6182/jlis.202006_18(1).125




The aim of the current article is to present a comprehensive and systematic review of the history of the National Southwest Associated University Library. The focus is on the construction process of the Library during 1937-1946. Toughened by working under the war-ridden and beleaguered conditions, and confronted with such challenges as tightening budgets and excessive scarcity of library facilities (books and reference materials, equipment and instruments) as well as personnel and supplies, library colleagues of Southwest Associated University endured great hardships in guarding book resources and disseminating knowledge together with other colleagues. They were all committed to preserving in library development, standardizing the library workflows, replenishing literature resources and developing various kinds of professional activities in libraries, which provided comprehensive library services for the teaching and scientific research of Southwest Associated University. Their spiritual outlooks and farsightedness are truly admirable.
